"Keep it simple, stupid!"
Years ago, these words, and the gentle man who said them, kept the author from abandoning his dream of being a doctor. Now, they would save a patients life, too.
"I cut myself, Doctor--but it doesn't look quite right"
A Good Samaritan act can take many forms. This time a stitch in time saved more than nine.
The patient who healed me
Successful treatment of an unsuspected illness eased the author's grief over her grandmother's death.
Call is a waste of time
For primary care physicians, being at the mercy of a pager is not only annoying, but accomplishes little, the author asserts.
My brief, upside-down career as a guinea pig
Skeptical of a professor's hypothesis, the author tested his own by experimenting on himself.
Osler: The saint of Baltimore
He "may have been the greatest clinical teacher of any day, and any country," says the author, in this review of a new biography.
My fellow doctors hurt my child
After misdiagnosis led to a serious operation for her daughter, the author wondered: Should I sue?
Practice Beat
Practice Parameters; Claims Processing; Managed Care; Fraud & Abuse; Complementary Medicine; Internet News.
Cut your 2000 tax bill--starting right now
Taking these simple steps can save you plenty of money. Time to get cracking!
What are they teaching in sex ed these days
Two recent studies look at the growing popularity--and regional variations--of "abstinence only" policies in the public schools.
My ethical beacons: Plato, Aristotle ... and Mr. Phillips
Decisions about managed care are clear-cut--in theory. Add a trusting patient to the scenario, and they get a lot tougher.
The job paid nothing, but the rewards were great
Grateful patients made up for the incredibly crude conditions this ophthalmologist experienced as a volunteer in rural India, where millions are blind for lack of treatment.
Ride the Baby Boomer Express to investment profits?
The aging boomers remain a powerful economic force. Investing in the industries they support could pay off big in the years ahead.
"I'm fine," I said. But of course I wasn't
The author was very ill. Even so, he thought, this couldn't be worse than the many disasters he'd already survived.
CAM Consult
Insurers are beginning to think so, and more of them are paying for it. Are you prepared?
CNMs: "We don't just catch babies"
These nurse midwives had a hard time winning physician acceptance. Now they're not only accepted, but sought after.
Washington Beat
HMNo: The name of this practice says it all
By forgoing all types of insurance, an FP couple created a patient-centered practice based on the tenets of old-fashioned medicine.
How the animal rights zealots threaten medical progress
Fanatics who would end experimentation on laboratory animals don't understand that people are more important than rats, says this author.
The doctor who taught me how not to treat patients
As a resident, the author discovered that clinical skills aren't all there is to medicine.
Could the doctors heal our baby&s heart?
The author's daughter was born with a serious valve blockage. Would she survive her first days of life?
Reimbursement, Quality Care, Medical Records, Tomorrow's Doctors, Medical Residents, Quoteworthy, Medicare, Looking Ahead
Docket Watch, Safe Harbors,The Internet, Health Care Spending, Primary Care, Medical Education.
Treating pain: Can doctors put their fears to rest?
The medical use of controlled substances has gained new legitimacy. But physicians' dread of regulatory scrutiny lingers.
My patient's car is his castle
By taking time to understand and communicate with a unique patient, the author helped him solve his medical problems.
Let's stop giving alternative medicine a free ride
A leading medical editor takes on alternative medicine, laws against physician-assisted suicide, plaintiffs' attorneys, and for-profit health care.
Investment Derby: A high-tech gamble pays off
Several of our model portfolios have underperformed. But two are ahead of the market, and one of those is way ahead.