MGMA 2022: Burnout among doctors continuing to rise, survey finds
Despite prevalence, few institutions have formal programs for addressing burnout.
MGMA 2022: Study finds most respondents agree value-based care is better for patient care quality
The MGMA-Humana study shows that despite predictions to the contrary, not much practice revenue is tied to value-based care for most physicians
MGMA 2022: Preparation is key when negotiating payer contracts
Victory lies in the preparation when it comes to payer negotiations.
MGMA 2022: Want your patients to pay? Make it easy for them
Offering financial education helps patients understand what they owe, why, and when.
MGMA 2022: Taking your medical practice to the next level
Practice and MGMA leaders give their advice for physicians and medical practices.
MGMA 2022: Physician practices, health care systems remain vulnerable cyberattack targets
Working from home offers flexibility for staff, gateway for cyberattacks.
MGMA 2022: The path to digital care
The move to digital care is a process.
MGMA 2022: What duties can medical assistants take on? Some principles for delegating
Physicians should consider legalities as scope of practice laws change around the country.
MGMA 2022: Washington update for physicians
MGMA 2022: Organizational changes, U.S. health care revisions needed to alleviate physician burnout
Recognizing it’s a problem is first step to making changes that help workforce, patients and the bottom line.
MGMA 2022: Leadership vs. management
A medical practice needs to have both leaders and managers.
MGMA 2022: Emotional intelligence part of creating a thriving medical practice
Pay is important, but culture is crucial for recruiting and retaining staff.
Medical Economics is live at MGMA 2022
We'll have live coverage from the 2022 Medical Group Management Association's Leadership conference in Boston.
4 tips for patient-centered billing
Many practices’ billing practice fall short of their patients’ expectations.
COVID-19’s Early Impact on Health Care Organizations
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many medical practice owners and administrators to reexamine how they measure their organization’s progress.
The Best Ways To Take Charge
Leadership tips that work for both your personal and professional life.
Five questions to ask before considering a merger
If you haven’t thought through these five things, you are not ready to merge.
Business continuity and planning for disaster
Six things practice leaders should review in their organization.
Master your revenue cycle
The reality post-COVID requires new strategies.
What’s happening in Washington D.C. with health care?
MGMA Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Anders Gilberg gives a glimpse at what’s happening on the Hill
MGMA 2020: How to prevent workplace violence in your practice
Physicians need to prepare and take a stand against workplace violence
MGMA 2020: How to improve patient engagement through financial information
The key to happy and healthy patients? Honest talk about finances.
MGMA 2020: Preparing financially for a post-COVID-19 world
As the pandemic wreaks financial ruin on practices across the country, physician leaders need to begin to plan for their financial futures after the pandemic has passed.
MGMA 2020: Transitioning to value-based care
Primary care doctors have been reluctant to embrace risk-based care contracts
MGMA 2020: Is your clinical space efficient?
By making better use of your existing space, you can eliminate wait times, excess supplies, overcrowded rooms—and save money.
MGMA 2020: Traditional waiting-rooms may see a decline as virtual options replace them
Waiting rooms may become a thing of the past as technology provides safer and easier alternatives
MGMA 2020: The challenges and rewards of overcoming implicit bias
Confronting implicit bias is not easy, but health care organizations that make the effort often realize benefits
MGMA 2020: How to save money on real estate leasing costs
If you want a good deal on your lease, follow these pro tips.
MGMA 2020: Building self-awareness to become a better leader
Organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich gives insight into how becoming a self-aware leader can help a practice thrive.
MGMA 2020: Four keys to effective leadership in a crisis
Two experts outlined the following techniques for effective leadership during a crisis.