The medical malpractice landscape: What physicians need to know
Two experts discuss how emerging trends in health care — market conditions, consolidation, the physician shortage and more — are impacting physician liability risks.
Do noncompetes have a future?
Do noncompetes have a future considering the courts seem to have a poor opinion of them?
What do practices need to know about implementing a noncompete agreement?
Noncompete agreements can be complicated, so practices need to make sure they are getting the details correct before implementing one.
What happens to a physician that breaks a noncompete agreement?
If a physician breaks a noncompete agreement, the previous employer has options as to how to proceed.
What happens when a practice unknowingly hires a physician with a noncompete?
If a practice unknowingly hires a physician with a noncompete agreement, how much risk is on the practice, and does firing the physician remove that risk?
Are there alternatives to noncompetes that achieve the same goals?
Noncompetes can be complicated and are currently tied up in legal challenges to the FTC nationwide ban. Are there other legal tools that achieve the same purpose?
Is a noncompete signed in one state valid in a state that bans them?
What happens if a physician signs a noncompete agreement in one state, but moves to another where they are banned? Does the agreement still apply?
What is the current status of the FTC ban on noncompetes?
The FTC banned noncompete agreements nationwide, but that decision is being challenged in court. Here's the latest update on the case.
What you need to know about noncompete agreements
Non-compete agreements are facing complicated legal challenges right now. Here's what you need to know.
The best time to make a career change to concierge medicine
How to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
Physicians need to understand the reasons behind COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy so they can better address it.
SDOH: What every physician needs to know about social drivers of health. Part 1: An introduction
Two experts discuss The Physicians Foundation and its efforts to affect the factors that affect health outside the doctor's office.
Burnout: Time for a new job or a change in mindset?
How to know whether you are burned out to the point where you need to look for a new job.
Physician and patient perception: Countering falsehoods, communicating toward care, part 2
A cognitive psychologist discusses causal beliefs, patient decisions and disclosures, and how those affect health care.
Physician and patient perception: Countering falsehoods, communicating toward care, part 1
Physician and patient perception: How does perception affect quality of care?
Physician and patient perception: Doctors, don’t penalize patients for incorrect information
Physician and patient perception: What doctors think about patients
Physician and patient perception: quantifying their perceptions, part 2
Physician and patient perception: quantifying their perceptions, part 1
Physician and patient perception: the origin of a study
Physician and patient perception: an introduction
Meet ABIM’s new leader: The future is bright for internal medicine
A conversation with Furman S. McDonald, MD, MPH.
Meet ABIM’s new leader: AI and advancing technology
Meet ABIM’s new leader: alleviating physician burnout
Meet ABIM’s new leader: increasing diversity in medicine
Meet ABIM’s new leader: maintaining credibility with patients
Meet ABIM’s new leader: the evolution of maintenance of certification
Meet ABIM’s new leader: The importance of certication
Meet ABIM’s new leader: A vision for the Board