The top news stories in medicine today.
At least 24 people were hurt earlier this year when gunfire erupted at the parade in Kansas City to celebrate the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory. When a person survives a gunshot wound, how do they and their doctors make decisions about removing bullets from their bodies? KFF Health News has this report about three people recovering – and how they feel about the bullets still inside them.
The future could be exciting with new developments in genetic engineering in plants, animals, microorganisms, human drugs, medical devices and more. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have issued a plan to update and streamline regulations and oversight of biotechnology. Learn more here.
Elections bad for American health?
Fox News Digital reported a group of 48 medical experts have penned an open letter to the American people who argue reelecting former President Donald Trump would cause health care prices to “skyrocket,” threatening access to care for millions. Read more here.