Malpractice lawsuits aren't random, according to the story at the top of this week's PMD Critical List. Rather, the doctors who get sued the most tend to have one trait in common. In addition, this week's list includes a look at why doctors quit and why running for president isn't such an easy second career.
Malpractice lawsuits aren’t random, according to the story at the top of this week’s PMD Critical List. Rather, the doctors who get sued the most tend to have one trait in common. In addition, this week’s list includes a look at why doctors quit and why running for president isn’t such an easy second career.
• The Likable Physician (The New York Times)
“Learning to be better communicators, and to be better at—in essence—customer service is no small task for physicians,” explains this medical professor. Malpractice “lawsuits aren’t random. Some doctors are sued far more than others”—mostly the poor communicators.
• Civilian Doctors Unready to Treat Veterans (
America’s vets certainly deserve the best care and many are suffering greatly, but sadly, a new survey finds that most doctors “aren't adequately trained in health issues related to military service.” More “resources and education” are needed.
• The Scary Entitlement Squeeze (City Journal)
Here’s a frightening report from a respected source—America is going broke from “autopilot” entitlement spending. Keep that in mind in 2016 when presidential candidates “unleash their usual array of promises and plans.”
• The Liberal Arts Physician? (Kaiser Health News)
One medical school is revamping its requirements for admission in an effort to lure more English majors. “Adding students to the mix who are educated in more than science is a serious philosophy” for this New York City medical school’s Hu-Med program.
• Trusting the Twitter Doctor (Cure)
With doctors tweeting more and more about cancer issues (138,000 tweets in 2014), a growing concern is, can patients trust this social media info? “Communication is at the core of interacting with patients, and tools are needed to aid this communication,” explains one physician in cancer research.
• Why Doctors Quit, Chapter 2 (The Washington Post)
Dr. Charles Krauthammer, who admits to seldom writing a follow-up column, does so here—more about the state of the medical profession. “Let the market work. Let doctors breathe,” opines the popular physician-writer.
• Drug Shortages Frustrate Doctors (The Wall Street Journal)
“The number of drugs in short supply in the U.S. has risen 74% from 5 years ago. They range from antibiotics and cancer treatments to commodity items such as saline.” Fingers point to the FDA, which “could do more to alleviate shortages.”
• The Website that Knows What Doctors Don't (CNN)
Can it be the “ultimate diagnostic tool for any physician around the world?” This new online tool, VisualDx, is a website and app that physicians can use to immediately solve any clinical mystery.
• Why Surgeons Make Catastrophic Mistakes (Pacific Standard)
While Operating Room error remains rare (about 1 in 12,000 surgical procedures), researchers recently used aviation accident-investigation techniques to discern true causes. The most common problems fall into the category of mental conditions—“surgery team members are cognitively overloaded.”
• Dr. Carson’s Presidential Campaign in Turmoil (The Washington Post)
It seems that brain surgery is easier that running for president. The gifted doctor, who has wowed conservative audiences, is reeling from the “departures of 4 senior campaign officials and widespread disarray among his allied super PACs.”