


New medical school; parents, children and diabetes; patient on the table, surgeon out the door? – Morning Medical Update

The top news stories in medicine today.

physician in uniform holding morning coffee: © meeboonstudio -

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New medical school

The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced creation of a new medical school for Brigham Young University. The new school will “focus on international health issues” affecting members of the church, along with the church’s worldwide humanitarian efforts. The BYU medical school also intends to form collaborations with partners such as Intermountain Health and the University of Utah.

Parental protection against diabetes

New research shows a child is almost twice as likely to develop Type 1 diabetes (T1D) if the father has the condition, than if the mother has it. A study of 11,475 people who developed (T1D) as children or adults is the largest of its kind. “Taken together, our findings suggest the relative protection associated with having a mother versus father with type 1 diabetes is a long-term effect that extends into adult life,” the lead researcher said in a news release.

‘Overlapping’ surgeries

The U.S. Department of Justice is fining Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center for three physicians who left operating rooms during procedures, including heart surgeries, according to The Washington Post. True simultaneous surgery is not allowed, but these surgeons argue having multiple procedures overlapping with each other leads to shorter wait times for patients, while remaining safe and effective.

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