An expert discussion on what physicians need to know about individual and group disability plans.
How passive real estate investing can help physicians earn income and a better state of mind.
Pandemic shows how value-based care can benefit everyone
Success requires using home care team as extension of physician’s practice
Both brick-and-mortar and virtual options are failing to meet the need
Cloud computing has revolutionized how healthcare providers deliver treatment and manage their data.
Pharmacy and Primary Care have been dramatically under-allocated COVID-19 vaccinations when compared to influenza distribution and administration.
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is an effective treatment for AUD, but it remains underutilized by the medical community.
Experienced partners can help guide organizations through the quality contract options that best match their strengths and goals.
The culture of medicine is evolving as more doctors, administrators and policymakers recognize the importance of mental health care.
Adaptability and flexibility will be needed to deal with for challenges next year.
These tips can help you develop a DIY marketing plan for your practice.
The time has come for primary care to drive the innovative change in health care delivery and financing.
Savvy physicians are using social media to establish trust, build patient loyalty
Technology can streamline administrative tasks, freeing clinicians to spend more time for patients
There are some persuasive incentives for your practice to consider implementing or reviewing its antitrust compliance right now.
Patients around the country are being shut out of better health. It’s time to open wide the front door to care.
The new year is an important time when many business owners hit the refresh button and look for opportunities to change and improve their practice or company.
Providers, health plans, governments, charitable organizations and patients must be collaboratively engaged for VBC to work.
An action plan for physicians to protect themselves against malpractice litigation related to medications like Ozempic.
With stressful conditions increasing and mental health decreasing, what is a primary care physician to do?
Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, the former CMS administrator, discusses cost variation in cancer care found through the digital classification system the COTA Nodal Address.
The ongoing COVID-19 global health emergency has pushed physicians to a breaking point. But physician burnout has more to it than just the huge workload that COVID-19 has brought with it and the difficult decisions that need to be made.
What doctors should know about using neurofeedback to overcome attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and literacy barriers.
The pandemic underscored the incredible power of vaccination.
You can revolutionize your practice and save money by using technology.