
Michael Wagner, MD


The road to real value-based care

The time has come for primary care to drive the innovative change in health care delivery and financing.

Gregory Kolovich, M.D.


Doctors must have robust online presence to meet today’s patients’ expectations

Savvy physicians are using social media to establish trust, build patient loyalty

Jason Warrelman


How AI-powered automation supports health care workers and improves patient care

Technology can streamline administrative tasks, freeing clinicians to spend more time for patients

Andreas Stargard, Esq.


Why antitrust enforcement will matter to your practice in 2021 and beyond

There are some persuasive incentives for your practice to consider implementing or reviewing its antitrust compliance right now.

Darilyn Moyer, MD, MACP


America needs a national strategy to invest in primary care

Patients around the country are being shut out of better health. It’s time to open wide the front door to care.

Lulu Zappy


Business resolutions for health care business owners

The new year is an important time when many business owners hit the refresh button and look for opportunities to change and improve their practice or company.

Michael Poku, MD, MBA


Value-based care is the antidote to health inequities, intractable costs

Providers, health plans, governments, charitable organizations and patients must be collaboratively engaged for VBC to work.

Max Schloemann


Strategies for specialty surgeons to minimize increasing insurance premiums

The importance of implementing proactive strategies to mitigate risks and reduce premium impacts.

Andrew E. Colsky, JD


A physician’s guide to a mentally healthy workplace

With stressful conditions increasing and mental health decreasing, what is a primary care physician to do?

Mary Caffrey


Confronting the Variance in Cancer Care Cost: An Interview With Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP

Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, the former CMS administrator, discusses cost variation in cancer care found through the digital classification system the COTA Nodal Address.

Ashley Mitek


Tech innovation can mitigate physician burnout

The ongoing COVID-19 global health emergency has pushed physicians to a breaking point. But physician burnout has more to it than just the huge workload that COVID-19 has brought with it and the difficult decisions that need to be made.

Judy Stewart


Realizing a society free of vaccine-preventable diseases

The pandemic underscored the incredible power of vaccination.

Jade L. Bedell


Automated scheduling turns cancellations into revenue

You can revolutionize your practice and save money by using technology.

Anthony Venette


Navigating ownership transitions: A guide for private medical practices

The right kind of ownership transition plan can mitigate challenges and ensure physician (and patient) retention and the best patient care.

Charles Anastos


3 things to address to ensure a stable supply chain for your practice

Even as we begin to envision a post-pandemic future, continuing backlogs and unsustainable workarounds and rising international turmoil supply fresh evidence that supply-chain fragility is untenable.

Karen Weintraub


Harnessing the power of AI to protect health care integrity

Using artificial intelligence to fight fraud, waste, abuse and error could have profound effects on primary care practices.

Troy Williams


How direct-to-employer contracting can benefit primary care physicians in private practice

When done correctly, doctors become the ‘quarterback’ leading a patient care team.

Leon Lerman


Cybersecurity poised to take center stage at HIMSS21

The increased volume of ransomware, data breaches and other attacks that started during the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten patient, data and medical device safety.

Lisa Taylor


Interoperability plays a crucial role in medical billing

In many cases, medical billing, payer denials and the ability to connect platforms are initially overlooked in their importance for physicians to get paid correctly, efficiently and accurately the first time

Brian Steele, MD


Fighting burnout through value-based care

Incentivizing doctors based on patient outcomes rather than volume alleviates many causes of burnout

Willy Leichter


The tech savvy physician: 3 steps to protect your practice from ransomware

A recent survey found that 73% of health systems, including hospital and physician organizations, reported their data infrastructures are unprepared to respond to attacks.

Marvell Adams Jr.


Medicare's Alzheimer's math is fuzzy -- but critics are missing the bigger picture

The Biden administration recently warned that Medicare could spend $3.5 billion on a new category of Alzheimer's drugs in 2025 alone – a figure vastly higher than what experts in the field predict – leading many to question the math.

George M. Sanders, J.D.


How practices can negotiate with a competing hospital

Not all hospitals and physicians are locked in mortal combat from which only one will emerge. In many instances, it can be beneficial for independent physician groups and hospitals to work together.

Ryan Howard


Your doctor will (remotely) see you now

Medicare’s new rules created a $30 billion market overnight.

Wayne Singer


What specialists must do now to succeed in MIPS

As quality measures grow stricter, choosing the best ones to report and incorporating measurements into workflow are more important than ever