

Dana L. McCalley, MBA


Mastering the shift to value-based care: 3 strategies for organization-wide success

The transition to value-based care presents serious challenges to physicians. Here are three concrete ways that health plans, ACOs and others can help them thrive.

Marc Franks


3 things to address to ensure a stable supply chain for your practice

Even as we begin to envision a post-pandemic future, continuing backlogs and unsustainable workarounds and rising international turmoil supply fresh evidence that supply-chain fragility is untenable.

Robert McDermott, MD


The rise in pollen is spiking allergy and asthma hospitalizations and impacting the economy

Spring has sprung, so it’s time for physicians to help patients feel better, maintain quality of life, and keep working.

Blake Farmer, Nashville Public Radio


Medical boards pressured to let it slide when doctors spread COVID-19 misinformation

Stopping some doctors from sharing unsound medical advice has proved challenging. Even defining misinformation has been difficult. And during the pandemic, resistance from some state legislatures is complicating the effort.

John Kraus, MD, PhD


The untold cost of caregiving: We all have a role to play

During my decades of experience working with people who live with Alzheimer’s disease I’ve seen first-hand the detrimental impact this condition has on the family and caregivers.

Geeta Nayyar, MD, MBA


Health misinformation is killing patients. Here’s what physicians can do.

The problem calls for systemic changes and individual actions

BJ Schaknowski, MBA


Solving health care’s financial burden amid economic uncertainty

Leaders look to software for solutions that will lead to better patient care.

Don Tracy


Vaccines in the post-COVID-19 world: Distrust amid promising developments

At the Financial Times Global Pharma and Biotech Summit 2024, a panel discussed the potential of mRNA technology in developing cancer vaccines amid distrust from the public.

Mindy Kolof


Highlights from the 2024 Concierge Medicine Forum

Stories of transformation were shared by Specialdocs and affiliated physicians.

Shawn Dickerson


Why cybersecurity education is key to protecting your medical practice

Cyberattacks on healthcare networks have increased exponentially in recent years, but there are steps to protect your practice.

Thomas Sandgaard, MBA


Doctors need new approaches to pain management

Opioid epidemic demonstrates importance of alternative therapies for managing pain

Robert A. Wells


Mental health wellness programs for clinicians are now more accessible

Stressful work environments, fatigue, burnout, and aging patient populations who require more care all add to the hardship of attracting and maintaining clinical staff.

Brad Boyd, MBA


Can technology help revive primary care?

Health care leaders increasingly are looking to technology for solutions to the challenges facing primary care

Bharath Krishnamurthy, MPH


The truth behind growth of the 340B prescription drug program

The pharmaceutical industry has increasingly taken aim at the program for growing costs, but is that accurate? American Hospital Association analysts offer this perspective.

Leon Moores, MD, DSc, FACS


Not viewing working physicians as leaders is a mistake that needs to be fixed

The simple mental step of recognizing oneself as a leader begins a virtuous cycle of self-improvement

Miguel Perez


How IoT supports medical device security

Best practices for health care organizations to implement to secure connected medical devices.

Brandon G. Wilson, DrPH, MHA


Trump administration should continue momentum on tackling the medical debt crisis

After running on a platform of bringing economic relief, President Trump must strengthen, not dismantle, existing programs.

Jason Brantley


Overcoming data fragmentation is key to avoiding future health care crises

COVID-19 pandemic shows importance of breaking down health care data silos

Elinor Johansen


Fax vs HIPAA: Devil’s in the details

Faxes may seem safe, but is your system HIPAA-compliant?

Adi Hirschtein


Why aren’t we using the data we know we have to improve patient outcomes?

How privacy technologies are unlocking critical data flows from stringent privacy requirements to accelerate improving patient outcomes in health care.

Steve Rowe


Modernizing the health care payer system: A prescription for alleviating physician workload and burnout

Here are three ways physicians can leverage artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and low-code/no-code tools to maximize revenue, reduce workload, and create better patient experiences.

Renu Nadkarni


Three disruptive digital healthcare trends to watch for the rest of 2022

More than two years into the pandemic, the healthcare industry has been altered tremendously.

Dana Jacoby


Why so many physicians are partnering with private equity

Primary care continues to be a target for investors

Jim Sloan


A strategy for investing during a recession

There is a difference between investing during a recession and investing in anticipation of a recession.

Jennifer Walen, MHA


What you need for better claims management

A more proactive and holistic approach to revenue cycle management is critical to improving operational efficiency by reducing administrative burden, ensuring providers are appropriately reimbursed for the care they deliver and preventing billing errors or potential financial burdens for patients on the back end.

Nathaniel T. Arden


Government fraud alert for physicians: Watch out for speaker programs

Past Special Fraud Alerts have portended heightened enforcement activity.

Terry Brenneman, MD


How to set up a drive-thru flu shot clinic

The best way to issue flu shots might be for patients to never enter your office.

Colin Banas, MD, MHA


Why sharing your personal number with patients isn’t a great idea and what to do instead

Prioritizing physician well-being while keeping patient care top of mind.

Peter C. Yesawich, PhD


The need for greater patient loyalty: A lesson from the hospitality industry

Physicians would be wise to exam how the hospitality industry builds repeat customers before it’s too late