Are the PPP loans a good option for practices to get through these tough times?
These low interest loans provide plenty of opportunities, if you follow all the rules.
Telephone etiquette tips for physicians and staff
Even in a world of telehealth and virtual care, talking to patients effectively on the phone is a critical skill for physicians and practice staff.
What should continue from COVID-19
What changes brought on by COVID-19 should stay.
How a practice leader can anticipate problems
Ways that practice leaders can anticipate problems in their practice before they become obstacles.
Keeping your practice viable during the pandemic
Ways to keep health care practices viable during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Malpractice trends in 2021: Costs, predictions and advice for physicians
Are malpractice insurance costs increasing? Find out, on this week's Medical Economics Pulse.
Are COVID-19 precautions here to stay?
Will precautions created to combat COVID-19 outlast the public health emergency?
What is coming next in the COVID-19 pandemic?
Where healthcare is going during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
What is the current state of healthcare?
Where health care stands months into the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Insurance trends physicians need to watch
How will your rates be affected?
2021 E/M coding changes: Your questions, answered
Your E/M coding questions, answered, on this week's Medical Economics Pulse.
Are there liability areas that leave your medical practice vulnerable?
While physicians are focused on COVID, there are other areas that pose grave financial risk to their practices.
How has COVID affected workers compensation costs for medical practices?
Make sure you take these appropriate precautions.
What effect has the rising number of cyberattacks had on cybersecurity insurance rates and coverage?
What does this mean for the average medical practice?
What are the hidden liability risks of telehealth?
Is your practice protected?
Why you shouldn’t cancel insurance as a cost-cutting measure
COVID may have hurt your finances, but the issues of risk remain.
Reducing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in patients: Tips for physicians
How to fight patient COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, on this week’s Medical Economics Pulse.
What will telehealth look like in 10 years?
New technology is already hitting the market, but how will it hold up?
What will ultimately drive greater telehealth adoption?
Will financial incentives for physicians drive greater long-term adaptation?
What technological challenges remain for telehealth, and how can they be fixed?
Telehealth has been positive for both doctors and patients, but challenges remain.
If telehealth is too easy to use, will patients overuse it and drive up costs?
Is this a valid argument?
How have private insurers approached telehealth, and did they get it right?
Private payers initially embraced telehealth, but some remain wary about a full commitment.
Do patient visit patterns offer any insight into the future of telehealth?
Many patients who used telehealth have since returned to in-office visits
What’s the right way for Medicare to approach telehealth?
In the past, Medicare primarily focused telehealth benefits on rural areas where care could be hard to access.
The telehealth expansion and the role of government
What did the federal government get right and wrong about telehealth?
How well has the massive expansion of telehealth during the pandemic worked for both doctors and patients?
Telehealth has helped patients, but better technology is still needed.
Advice for starting a CIN
Tips on how to launch a clinically integrated network
The threat from hospital systems
Watching hospital systems poach physicians and buy up practices led to the creation of IPCLI
The challenge of culture change
Small practices must overcome the culture of viewing each other as competitors if they are to survive.
2021 digital health trends physicians need to know about
The technology trends coming in 2021 that physicians need to know about, on this week’s Medical Economics Pulse.