What needs to happen at the governmental level to make sure we as a country don’t lose primary care practices from the financial strain of COVID?
A greater awareness at the highest levels is needed so that primary care gets the attention it deserves.
The hidden COVID-19 crisis: The dangers of neglecting care
How the COVID-19 pandemic is setting up a potential crisis in cancer and other serious conditions.
What effect is all the delayed care by patients due to the pandemic going to have on primary care physicians?
The ultimate effects won’t be known for some time, but a team-based environment will help everyone in the end.
What are the benefits to the patient under a prospective payment model?
Eliminating delayed care can lead to better cost savings and better outcomes.
Will a prospective payment model allow small and rural practices to survive – and will they have to change how they do business?
Smaller practices will need to access a larger team and greater technology to succeed.
How does the prospective payment model fix current flaws and how is it different?
Prospective payment models are already showing great promise with both private and public payers.
What’s wrong with how we pay for primary care today?
Misaligned incentives are leading to high costs and poor outcomes.
Foreign-trained health care providers and COVID-19
Managing a medical practice in the COVID-19 world
Physicians now have to deal with new patient safety risks and other management challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
How physicians can limit their tax liability
Julianne Andrews, principal and co-founder of Atlanta Financial Associates LLC, discusses some strategies to help physicians minimize their tax liability.
How value-based care can save your practice
Farzad Mostashari, MD, CEO of Aledade, discusses why physician practices that have leaned into value-based care have weathered the COVID-19 pandemic successfully.
Ways physicians can limit their tax liability
How physicians can protect their personal assets
COVID-19 and malpractice: New risks to watch for
Sean P. Byrne, JD, a medical malpractice defense lawyer, discusses how coronavirus has scrambled a physician's malpractice risks, and what doctors need to do to prepare.
Advice for physicians nervous about using telehealth
Make telehealth work for your practice — even after you re-open
Peter Alperin, MD, an internist and vice president at Doximity, discusses how physicians can use telehealth to efficiently see patients, even after practices re-open.
“Must-haves” and “deal breakers” in contract negotiations
Richard Roberts, MD, says doctors need to identify a few things they most want and don’t want in a job before negotiating an employment contract.
If layoffs are necessary, what’s the best way to handle that difficult task?
Employers’ stake in doctors’ job satisfaction
Telehealth: How physicians can get started now
Tabassum Salam, MD, the ACP's vice president of medical education, discusses what physicians need to know to get started with telehealth right away.
What role should “cash and call” play when considering a job offer?
How to reclaim physician autonomy
Wendy Dean, MD, the founder of Fix Moral Injury, discusses how physicians have lost autonomy, and what can be done to restore it.
Medical Economics: Opening a new practice
James Underberg, MD, discusses how he left a large health system to open his own practice, and provides tips for physicians considering the same move.