
Jeremy Dym


Why You Should Start a 529 College Savings Plan Early

Saving for college requires an organized, disciplined approach. A 529 plan is the best way to start saving for college as soon as you’re able.

Larry Elkin


Should You Buy Critical Illness Insurance?

Critical illness insurance can sometimes act more like a lottery ticket than serious insurance, so is it worth buying?

Paul Roemer


Meaningful Use, Procrustes, and the Morton's Fork

"Meaningful use," if used as a way to obtain federal incentive money is at best meaningless, at worst -- without numerous other initiatives -- it can disrupt your business. It seems to violate the dictum, "Do no harm."

Janet Critchley


Planning for the Worst for Your Retirement Portfolio

Experiencing a market downturn when you first begin to withdraw your retirement funds can have a dramatic negative effect over time on the value of your portfolio. As part of your overall financial plan you should "stress test" your portfolio before you retire.

Lydia M. Glatz, CPA


Key Strategies for Successful Physician Participation - Part II

Physicians perceive health reform as negative and not representative of their best interest, so it won't be easy to convince them that an ACO model will work best.

Larry Elkin, CFP, CPA


Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Raises Complex Financial Issues

The Supreme Court's ruling to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8 raises complex financial planning and tax questions with no clear answers for many same-sex couples.

Iltifat Hussain, MD


A Top Downloaded iPhone App Can Cause Patient Harm

An app that had been among Apple's top 10 paid claims it can monitor your blood pressure using only an iPhone. Can it really, though?

Kathy Dean-Bradley


Is Owning Practice Real Estate a Good Idea?

Physician practices often find themselves in the real estate business by purchasing the building used by the practice. There are several benefits to owning real estate, but also some pitfalls.

Steve Reitmeister


The Natural Gravity of the Stock Market

Interestingly, most investors don't really understand the natural gravity of stocks. In fact, they find every way possible to confuse matters.

Robert G. Peelman, CFP


9 Reasons Physicians Underperform without an Advisor

These traits are common behavioral characteristics that work against your investment returns, usually because you are too emotionally involved in the decision-making process.

Philippa Keneally, MD, MPH, CPCC, PCC


Physician Business Owner Lessons I Learned from My Horse

After visiting a Colorado dude ranch recently, I couldn't help acknowledging the several business lessons I gained from my equestrian experience. And it was a very fun metaphor to work with!

Michael Lewellen, CFP


An Asset-Protection Plan for Young Doctors

Before young doctors can begin building wealth, they need to protect a precious asset they already have -- the future value of their income. Here are two important tools you can use to get you started on the road to financial security.

Mark Lavercombe


Email Management Best Practices for Busy Physicians

The email flood is becoming harder to manage. Apply these best practices to take control of your inbox.

Joseph M. Lassiter, CPA


Rev Up Retirement Contributions with a Cash Balance Pension

Cash balance pension plans for medical groups present the opportunity to rev up retirement plan contributions, which caused a huge amount of interest in them starting 10 years ago.

Jason O’Dell MS, CWM


The Wrong Advisor Can Cost a Physician Millions

Working with the wrong financial planner, CPA or attorney can really cost a physician, and yet it's one of the most common mistakes.

Chris Cole


The Changing Rheumatology Practice

This session focused on the challenges that mandate change in the healthcare system, looked at high-priority improvement opportunities, discussed the use of continuous quality improvement methods to manage change, and emphasized the importance "thinking in systems."

Daniel S. Levine


Drug Ads Often Misleading

A study shows that television commercials are rife with opinion and lifestyle associations but more often than not they also make misleading or false claims.

Keli Rising


10 Worst States to Retire in 2012

After considering cost of living, property taxes, income taxes, climate, and fiscal health, released its list outlining the 10 worst states for retirees to live in 2012.

Michelle Clark


How Physicians Can Help Improve Financial Wellness for Practice Team Members

The saying goes "a rising tide lifts all boats", so if you find a way to help your overall financial health you may also help your practice team members as well. Here are 3 ways to improve your practice's financial health.

Steven Abernathy


Want to Avoid a Malpractice Lawsuit? Think Like an Attorney

Physicians who'll thrive best in the future will be those most prepared for vexing, unwarranted, and time-consuming malpractice suits. To join their ranks, use these safe, inexpensive, proven malpractice defense strategies.

Joel B. Charkatz, CPA, CVA, CFE


How Much Is Your Medical Practice Worth?

Before determine the value of your medical practice, you have to know why you're valuing it and how best to approach the valuation process. Here's a look at what you need to know to find out how much your practice is worth in today's market.

Laurie Kane Burkhardt, CFP


Planning for Retirement? Here's Your 10-Year Timeline

The earlier one starts planning for retirement, the more prepared one should be not only financially, but also emotionally.

Mike C. Manoloff, PC


The Beginning of the ACA Mandates

A look at the penalties and options available when the individual and employer mandates of the Affordable Care Act become effective in 2014 and 2015.

James S. Lacy, JD


The High Cost of Undercoding

Fear of chart audits can lead billing departments to undercode -- and that may be costing you revenue. Benchmarking and analytical tools can help identify undercoding in your practice, to ensure you don't leave money on the table.

Pooja Jaeel


Using Google Glass in Hospitals

Famous for its action-packed promo videos, Google Glass is now entering the hospital environment to help strengthen communication and collaboration between providers in a hospital.

Jason O'Dell, MS, CWM


What Do You REALLY Know About Your Investment Advisor?

Over the last few years, many physicians have re-examined not only their investment assumptions, but also their relationships with investment advisory professionals after high-profile scams and mismanagement.

Geoffrey M. Tomes


I'm Getting a Paycheck! Now What?!

Physicians emerge from medical school with high earning potential but also high student debt. This guide offers a practical look at how physicians should balance paying off that debt with saving for long-term expenses.

Emma Thomasson


Novartis Seeks to Buy Rest of Alcon for $39 Billion

Novartis, which was widely tipped to snap up Nestle's stake as soon as its option allowed, also aims to buy out the 23 percent held by minority shareholders for $11.2 billion, ending uncertainty over whether or not it would seek full control.

John Blood, MBA, MS


What No One on Wall Street Will Tell You About Investing

While Wall Street is often viewed as the center of the investment universe, a far less exciting – but potentially more powerful – environment exists in the halls of academia. In this environment, professors at schools like Wharton, Yale, MIT, Stanford and the University of Chicago examine decades of financial data in search of patterns and explanatory variables.

Andrew Holloway, Wealth Advisor to Physician Households


Why Doctors Need Own-Occupation Disability Insurance

When it comes to disability insurance for doctors, not all plans are going to cover you equally.