Austin Littrell is assistant editor of Medical Economics.
Analysis of AI cognitive threshold identifies cost-efficient strategy for health care implementation
A study has identified a strategy for using AI models in health care, maintaining efficiency and reducing costs by 17 times.
Breaking up sedentary time with light exercise reduces blood pressure; adverse events in 1/3 of surgeries; risk of cardiovascular disease could depend on heart shape — Morning Medical Update
The top news stories in medicine today.
Clinicians should screen patients for intimate partner violence and caregiver abuse
The US Preventative Services Task Force recently issued a draft recommendation statement on domestic violence and caregiver abuse screenings.
New survey demonstrates physician support for AI solutions
A majority of surveyed physicians have already seen benefits of AI and believe in its continued improvement.
Unnecessary back surgeries cost Medicare billions; UCHealth paying $23 million to resolve allegations of fraud; Amy Grant had open-heart surgery – Morning Medical Update
Prominent academic institutions launching Healthcare AI Challenge
The Healthcare AI Challenge offers a virtual environment in which professionals can experience the latest AI health care solutions.
Study finds higher levels of burnout among LGBTQ+ physicians and residents
Clinicians who are sexual and gender minorities experience unique stressors, affecting their occupational well-being.
Children with rare spinal condition regain ability to walk; STI epidemic may be slowing; newly discovered molecule helps treat cardiovascular disease – Morning Medical Update
Primary care practices are uniquely positioned to help people maintain heart health
Primary care professionals have a key role in helping patients achieve “Life’s Essential 8,” says new scientific statement.
Utilization management negatively impacts physician well-being and quality of patient care, study says
A national poll of physicians demonstrated the role that utilization management plays in physician burnout and lower-quality care.
TB is the deadliest infectious disease again; the FDA could pull these popular decongestants from shelves; a nanofiber patch to treat psoriasis – Morning Medical Update
New primary care guidelines for diagnosing and treating pulmonary hypertension
The newly released “Guidance to the Guidelines” are an effort by expert groups to improve nationwide diagnosis and treatment of the condition.
AMA supports additional oversight for nonprofit hospital charity care
In a recent announcement, the AMA announced its support of more standardization and regulation of nonprofit hospitals.
AMA calls for regulatory and injunctive actions for unpaid preauthorized care
New policy would ensure AMA support for a federal prohibition on the inappropriate denial of payment for care that is necessary and has received prior authorization.
PTSD responds to hyperbaric therapy; patients with heart conditions want to talk about sexual health; frailty may increase risk for dementia – Morning Medical Update
ACP suggestions for reducing physician burden from low-value EHR alerts
The ACP calls for reduction in low-value EHR alerts in a recent position statement.
Socioeconomic status during early pregnancy could predict cardiovascular health later in life
New research has identified a possible predictor of cardiovascular health and a health disparity in socioeconomically disadvantaged first-time mothers.
1 gene leads to diagnosis of mystery condition; pharmacist and brother convicted of $15 million health care fraud; promising new breast cancer model – Morning Medical Update
10 things you should never say to patients
These words and phrases that should never be said to patients, and what to say instead, were covered in a recent Mayo Clinic paper.
Never say these words to patients; virtual care does not mean low-value care; interactions between biological variables and SDOH for cancer outcomes – Morning Medical Update
Fed cuts interest rate by 0.25%
The Federal Reserve Bank made the announcement amid steady economic growth and persistent inflation concerns.
What everyone needs to know about the CDC's latest vaccine recommendations - and how to approach patient concerns
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, explains the CDC's recently updated recommendations for COVID-19 and pneumococcal vaccinations and explains how to best handle patient concerns and misinformation.
The importance of maintaining the physician-patient relationship
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, explains the importance of consistency and maintaining a relationship with a patient over time.
Why should patients seek vaccinations from family physicians over retail pharmacies?
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, advises family physicians to continue offering vaccines, explaining the benefits compared to alternatives.
Addressing vaccine hesitancy and misinformation
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, shares how physicians should properly approach patient concerns regarding vaccines.
Approaching the vaccine conversation after the COVID-19 pandemic
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, explains how physicians should approach the vaccine conversation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting the vaccine conversation as respiratory illness season ramps up
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, talks about appropriate and effective ways of initiating the vaccine conversation during respiratory illness season.
Daily exercise guidelines not enough to counteract prolonged sitting; when a clinician should call CPS; work-related stress and heart health – Morning Medical Update
Adaptable AI model capable of performing various biomedical tasks
BiomedGPT analyzes medical text and images, capable of faster diagnoses, enhanced reporting and improved drug discovery.
The CDC's latest recommendations for COVID-19 and pneumococcal vaccines
Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP, discusses the CDC's latest guidelines regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and expanded recommendations for pneumococcal vaccines.