

Payers and government now control patient care

Letter to the editor

I have just read the June 25, 2013 issue of Medical Economics. I learned that I will be penalized for not e-prescribing. I will receive another penalty in 2015 and 2016 for not reporting under the Physician Quality Reporting System. I most certainly will never share in electronic health records meaningful use incentives. Converting to ICD-10 will most likely result in financial collapse of my practice. I learned the market value of my practice is insignificant.

It is unbelievable that our profession has allowed it’s own demise. The insurance industry and government have taken complete control of the care my patients receive. This is all done with one objective, the pursuit of a dollar. Electronic health records will not help to improve care. They will provide payers and the government with information about every aspect of our practice and our patients health. Whomever controls this information and money controls all of our futures.

Mark R. Harvey, MD

Sandersville, Georgia

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