

Morning Medical Update: Community Garden grows patient-physician bond; The impact of shared medical visits; How much water do you really need?


The top news stories in primary care today.

Community garden grows patient-physician bond

Yale students have started a garden behind the New Haven Primary Care Consortium (NHPCC). The garden was originally a dream of the now decreased director, Laura Whitman. Food insecurity is a large problem in the area – nearly 22% of New Haven citizens are food insecure. “If we can incentivize patients to come to visits, where they can get food, we can make a connection, talk about recipes, talk about health,” said Emily Fishman, one of the students involved.

The impact of shared medical visits

Experts at Vanderbilt University are studying the effectiveness of shared medical appointments. The appointments focus on establishing a sense of community by encouraging patients to talk to each other about their experiences, all which could combat the loneliness caused by chronic illness. “When you have chronic health issues, you isolate. Stepping into this group communication with people in similar situations is quite liberating, educational and sometimes even fun,” says Nashville resident, Ellie Nelson, age 54.

How much water do you really need?

Eight glasses of water a day has long been the standard recommended by doctors, but that has changed. Now, experts at the Harvard T.H. School of Public Health recommend men drink 16 cups of water a day and women drink 11 cups. If you think you may be dehydrated, there are signs to look for: headache, fatigue, and concentrated urine.

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