
Hypertension in couples; physician birth difficulties; Rocky Mountain spotted fever – Morning Medical Update


The top news stories in primary care today.

physician in uniform holding morning coffee: © meeboonstudio -

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To have and to hold in hypertension and in health

A new study of middle-aged and older heterosexual couples found spouses and partners may have concordant high blood pressure. Physicians may have an opportunity to create management interventions for couples, according to the findings published by the American Heart Association.

Physician birth difficulties

Doctors train hard and work long hours to treat patients. How does that affect birth outcomes for physician mothers? A new paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research examines the effects of a demanding vocation.

RMSF alert

Rocky Mountain spotted fever has emerged among five people who traveled to the area of Tecate, Mexico, since late July, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The disease is carried by ticks, progresses rapidly, and can be fatal. Physicians should know: “Early treatment with doxycycline saves lives,” according to a health alert published this month.

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