The top news stories in medicine today.
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The physicians’ strike that began earlier this year in South Korea has dragged out to this month. In case you missed it, the government there wants to add more slots in medical schools to train doctors now as the nation’s population ages. Current doctors say that’s a bad idea that will harm one of the world’s best medical systems. The Los Angeles Times has more.
Heart, the hard rock band known for songs including “Barracuda” and “Magic Man,” postponed its 2024 North American tour because lead singer Ann Wilson, 74, was diagnosed with cancer. Read about famous people, and others not so well known but just as tough, fighting the disease in Cure, a sister publication of Medical Economics.
Some people, including some physicians, skip breakfast. Some people eat late dinners. Some people go hours without food, while some claim eating more small meals a day is best for the body. What does the research say? The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (JAND) has devoted an entire issue to chrononutrition. Researchers are studying the interactions among temporal eating patterns, circadian rhythms, and metabolism for optimal health, according to an accompanying news release.