

COVID-19, pre-existing conditions coverage on likely voters’ minds

A survey found that dealing with the public health need and economic fallout of COVID-19 and protecting insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions will matter most when voters choose a new president Nov. 3.

Likely voters are nearly evenly split on which healthcare issues will matter most when choosing between President Donald J. Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden on Nov. 3.

In a survey performed by The Commonwealth Fund, likely voters said that the candidates perceived ability to deal with the public health need and economic fallout of COVID-19 (40 percent) and protect insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions (39 percent) will matter most to them when they cast their ballot.

A further 20 percent of likely voters say that they’re most concerned about which candidate they believe will lower the cost of their healthcare.

Voters in nine out of 10 swing states say that they believe that Biden would be more likely to address both the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic costs. Ohio is the only swing state that leans to Trump on this issue, 48 percent to 45 percent, but the survey notes that the gap is within the margin of error. Nationally, Biden is most trusted on the issue with 56 percent to Trump’s 39 percent.

A majority of voters in all 10 swing states say that they believe Biden is more likely to protect insurance coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. The spread varies between states with Biden having a 6 percent advantage in Ohio and a 33 percent advantage in Georgia. Nationally, voters trust Biden more on pre-existing conditions with 58 percent to Trump’s 36 percent, the survey says.

Of likely voters polled nationally, Biden was also believed to be more likely to lower the cost of healthcare with 53 percent to Trump’s 37 percent, according to the survey.

When the data is broken down by demographic, the numbers look even worse for Trump. The incumbent only carries a majority of Republicans when it comes to COVID-19 and preexisting conditions. Biden carries a lead when the data is broken down by gender, race, and income. Trump only came close to Biden among white men, but still trails by about 10 percent, the survey says.

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Lisa Rotenstein: ©UCSF
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