
Practice Academy: New on-demand learning for physicians

Medical Economics JournalJuly-August 2024
Volume 7
Issue 101

The latest on risk management, reimbursement, and finance & wealth

Practice Academy ©Medical Economics

Practice Academy ©Medical Economics

On June 13, Medical Economics hosted a live learning event featuring three educational sessions covering practice management, insurance, personal finance and more. The sessions are now available on our exclusive Practice Academy site. All you have to do is scan the QR code, register for free, and check out both our new videos and our archive of learning videos. Here’s info on our latest sessions:

Risk management: How to Increase the Power of Your Individual and Group Disability

Learn why disability insurance is vital for physicians, the difference between individual and group policies, and how to avoid common mistakes.

Expert presenters

John Gallagher, Chief Executive Officer, LeagueMed

Paul Cella, Managing Principal, KeyArx Group

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Finance and wealth: Unlocking Financial Independence: Strategies to Help Doctors Retire on Their Terms

Hear from doctors and financial professionals as we unlock the pathways to optimizing your retirement savings.

Expert presenters

Bill Martin, Chief Wealth Officer, Earned Wealth

Nestor Karas, M.D., Oral Surgeon, Muir Oral, Facial & Dental Implant Surgery

Alfred Atanda Jr., M.D., Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, Nemours Children’s Health

Nick Gizzarelli, Partner and Retirement Plan Specialist, Thomas Doll

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Reimbursement: Find the Hidden Gems in Your Medicare Billing

Are you billing these often-missed new codes, or leaving money on the table?

Expert presenter:

Michael Enos, Enos Medical Coding

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