

Will the Money Really Follow?

We've all heard the cliché that you should do what you love and the money will follow. But that isn't always the case.

We've all heard the cliché that you should do what you love and the money will follow. That might work for the media, bloggers, and personal coaches, but for many, it rings hollow. In fact, there are many who have followed their hearts and are still living from paycheck to paycheck, or lately, no paycheck at all. For others, they just live in their world of quiet desperation.

Physicians and physician entrepreneurs, like other professionals, in fact can suffer from their love of what they do:

1. They ignore their blind spots.

2. They don't pay attention to their business.

3. They have a hard time facing the truth.

4. They let their emotions get in the way of making rational business decisions.

5. They focus more on what they do than what their customers want and are willing to pay for.

6. They have a hard time moving on when the love of their life gets up and leaves.

7. They become a slave to a jealous mistress.

8. They become more interested in the solutions than the problems.

9. They have a very hard time divorcing themselves and their persona.

10. They ignore other opportunities or possibilities that they might love even more.

In addition, since the burden of student loans just keeps increasing, doing what you love or going to graduate school to do it may no longer be an option.

Most people leave their jobs or careers because they don't feel appreciated. When times change, "they" move your cheese and you need Plan B, looking for love in all the wrong places is not helpful. We all crave doing something we love, providing something other people need and value and that pays us well. The lucky ones find that sweet spot. Don't let love blind you to other possibilities.

It seems the only thing that will follow doing what you love is the loan consolidation officer threatening you.

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