
Why Are You Ignoring Employed and Senior Doctors?


Employed and senior doctors need the education, resources, and networks to succeed in a medical world where the changing future of work is being created daily.

doctor with empathy

and the numbers are rising.

About 20-25% of US physicians are over 65 years old. Many continue to practice either full time, part time, or in volunteer positions. Many others want to.

Unfortunately, when it comes to having a voice, these physician workforce demographics seem to be getting short shrift. Are you a member of the Alliance for Employed Physicians? No, because it does not exist... yet.

There are many reasons why employed and senior physicians should be seen as a separate segment, wielding potential power, value, and influence:

1. Because they are the fastest growing demographic.

2. Because the issues confronting employed physicians are often separate and distinct from independent doctors of others in the prime of their careers and, for the most part, their needs are not being addressed. Remember, it's time to renew your subscription to The Employed Physician website and newsletter.

3. Because they feel disenfranchised or left out by their specialty or medical societies.

4. Because there are many different types of employment situations-academic, public service, insurance companies, or large networks and doctors who work in those situations are looking for a like-minded community.

5. Because senior physicians are a potential pool of talent with advanced clinical judgement that has been ignored.

6. Because senior doctors don't want to always work full time and have a hard time finding a situation that works for them.

7. Because physician reentry after a prolonged absence from practice can be difficult, if not impossible, requiring new ways of modeling how to take advantage of much needed talent.

8. Because senior physicians can serve as great mentors.

9. Because new doctors need to understand the pros and cons of being employed and need a better job preview from those in that situations.

10. Because employed doctors and senior physicians have lost power, even more so than their colleagues in independent practice.

Employed and senior doctors need the education, resources, and networks to succeed in a medical world where the changing future of work is being created daily. And, we haven't even mentioned the 34% of Americans who freelance. Ignore them at your own peril.

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