The number one challenge facing rural healthcare organizations in 2017 is the talent shortage.
The number one challenge facing rural healthcare organizations in 2017 is the talent shortage. Some people point to the transition to value-based healthcare as the number one challenge. While, others still point to rising costs as the top challenge in 2017. That might be true if the healthcare organization is located in a greater metropolitan area. But, the talent shortage in rural areas is so bad; it sets up the transition to value-based healthcare to fail.
How can you deliver value-based healthcare if you don’t have the staff to deliver the care? How can you fight rising costs if your turnover costs are in the millions of dollars every year?
Those two challenges actually put overcoming the talent shortage at the top of the list because you can’t successfully transition to value-based healthcare, or meet the challenge of rising costs, until you overcome the problem of talent shortages.
Pension plans are the solution, and rural health organizations that implement pension plans will position themselves to begin the task of successfully transitioning to value-based healthcare, and they will substantially cut rising costs.
Pension plans and financing those pension plans, will be a big piece of the puzzle as the world of healthcare in the US moves forward into the future. It will be a classic example of where “American know-how” rises up to meet and overcome any challenge.
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