As the deadline to secure 2014 healthcare coverage grows closer, many Americans say they would rather pay a fine than sign up for insurance.
As the deadline to secure 2014 healthcare coverage grows closer, many Americans say they would rather pay a fine than sign up for insurance.
A recent Gallup poll found that 28% of uninsured people have no plans to sign up for healthcare insurance. The poll also estimated that 17% of Americans are currently uninsured, which means that 5% of adults would be uninsured. In October, the month healthcare exchanges opened for people to but individual health plans, 34% of adults said that weren’t planning on getting health insurance.
Republicans seem to be less likely to sign up for insurance plans than any other political group-45% say they plan on paying the fine, while 31% of independents and 15% of Democrats say they aren’t buying insurance plans. Slightly more adults over the age of 30 (30%) report that they won’t be signing up for insurance than adults younger than 30 years old (26%).
It’s not that uninsured people don’t know about their obligation-the poll finds that 81% of them are aware that they will have to pay a fine if they don’t carry healthcare insurance. For those who choose not to carry healthcare insurance in 2014, they will be fined $95 or 1% of their salaries, whichever is greater.