

Roundtable: To Sell or Not to Sell, Part II

Fear of the unknown and local trends are driving physicians to sell their practice to hospitals, but they should first see what their practice looks like when its operating as efficiently as possible before looking to be acquired.

Moderator: Lee Ferber, CFP Partner, Marcus Gettry, CPA, P.C.

David Mandell OJM Group, LLC Principal

Todd Rodriguez Fox Rothschild Partner, Health Law Practice

In this roundtable, panelists will discuss analyzing whether a practice should stay private or sell to a hospital and David Mandell, principal at OJM Group, LLC, says that fear of the unknown and local trends are driving physicians to sell their practice to hospitals.

However, Mandell says before looking to sell to a hospitals, physicians should first try and get to be as efficient as they can be.

“They may have a guaranteed income for a number of years, but what happens after that,” Mandell points. “Acquisitions in the past didn’t always work out the way they were intended to operate.”

However, the panel experts don’t all agree on which age group of physicians is more likely to be interested in selling to a hospital.

Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

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