This mnemonic device can help put the numbers in our personal and professional lives in perspective.
Numbers will continue to surround us, if not by intention then by necessity. How we choose to accommodate them will be a testament to how we succeed in this time of medical reform. We need creative thinking to shift our perspectives when we feel the heavy weight of those changes. Let’s use this mnemonic device to find perspective in our work and personal lives.
Learn to work in the moment. Worrying about the full scope of numbers will only distract you from the task at hand. We may live in a multi-tasking world, but it may be best to take it one step at a time.
If you are finding dissatisfaction in your current role, look within yourself. What are the triggers? When you become proactive instead of reactive, you can make effective change in your life and practice.
Learn and understand the details of your current business model, including upcoming regulatory changes. Knowing the hows and whys will remove any sense of victimization and add to your sense of empowerment.
Medicine is a noble profession but it need not take over your life. Making adequate time for your personal life will lead to increasing fulfillment in the long run. Your family and friends will thank you for it.
When you are with a patient, really be with the patient. Remove clocks from the exam room walls. Do not flip through your electronic health record to see if you are running behind schedule.
Bring back the memories of why you chose medicine as a profession every day. Reigniting that spark will drive your sense of purpose.
You need not go it alone. Join a community of medical professionals either in the workplace or via social networking. Providers going through similar situations can be an enriching source of information and fresh ideas.
When we recalibrate the numbers, we remind ourselves why we do what we do. That is what we need in today’s healthcare reform, a return to the basics. Only then can we make it count.