

Race for the COVID-19 vaccine: Free webinar

A trio of experts will discuss the prospects of a handful of COVID-19 vaccine candidates which are entering phase 3 trials.

The search for a COVID-19 vaccine will be the topic of a free MJH Life Sciences webinar at 6 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on July 30.

As the death toll of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic rises above 136,000 Americans and more than 4 million Americans have tested positive for the virus, the whole country waits with bated breath for the development of a vaccine which can bring the destruction to an end.

This race for a vaccine will be the topic of the one-hour session featuring experts on viruses and vaccines.

Click here to register for the free event

The panel for this webinar features:

  • Walter A. Orenstein, MD, professor of medicine, pediatrics, global health, and epidemiology at Emory University, and director of the Emory Vaccine Center; spent 26 years with the U.S. Immunization Program at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. His research focuses on vaccine effectiveness and uptake.
  • Angela Rasmussen, PhD, is a virologist studying host responses to infection by combining classical virology with a modern systems biology approaches. Her research focuses on identifying host response signatures predictive of infection severity or disease outcome and host pathways to target drug development or repurposing.
  • Gregory A. Poland, MD, studies the immunogenetics of vaccine response in adults and children. Along with his team within the Vaccine Research Group, his aim is to improve the health of individuals across the world by pursuing challenges posed by infectious diseases and bioterrorism through clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic vaccine search.
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