
Q&A: Adding ancillary services


Skill, personal interest, and economics are the main factors in evaluating adding any service.

Q: How do I decide whether to add ancillary services such as aesthetic procedures to my practice?

A: Skill, personal interest, and economics are the main factors in evaluating adding any service. The more invasive the service (i.e., certain cosmetic procedures versus Holter monitoring), the more important each of those three factors become. You should also check with your malpractice insurance carrier to verify insurance coverage and your state board regarding licensing requirements. If you have the personal interest, the skills for most services can be obtained from vendors or independent training programs.

Many physicians start to offer aesthetic services and later drop them because of concerns about some patients' demanding behavior.

Answers provided by Medical Economics consultant Keith C. Borglum CHBC, Professional Management and Marketing, Santa Rosa, California. Send your practice management questions to

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