
Podcast: Life After Medicine


As a formerly idealistic pediatrician whose eventual disappointment in clinical practice led to her leave medicine altogether, Maggie Kozel, MD, has put into words what I felt about being a practicing physician and have been unable to express adequately. I invite you to listen to my interview with Dr. Kozel, where we explore what life is like after medicine.

As a formerly idealistic pediatrician whose eventual disappointment in clinical practice led to her leave medicine altogether, Maggie Kozel, MD, has put into words what I felt about being a practicing physician and have been unable to express adequately.

Dr. Kozel's newly released memoir, "The Color of Atmosphere -- One Doctor's Journey Into and Out of Medicine" (reviewed here) provides a poignant look into the aspirations of a young woman who found the perfect escape from her dysfunctional household -- medicine.

After life as a doctor in the "universal healthcare system" of the U.S. Navy, she entered private practice in the civilian world that most of you and I know, only to discover how mismatched she was to the role that was being demanded of her by insurers and even her patients.

I won't repeat my review here, but instead, I invite you to listen to an interview with Dr. Kozel, now a chemistry teacher on spring break from her school.

In our 25-minute conversation, we explore:

• Her thoughts about her "physician's identity."

• What drove her to become a published author.

• How she learned to write.

• What she chose to do instead of clinical practice.

• What life after medicine has been like for her and her family.

• What is currently absorbing her attention.

Listen here to the podcast interview and then rejoin us on this page to add your comments!

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