The earlier one starts planning for retirement, the more prepared one should be not only financially, but also emotionally.
As financial planners we are often asked, “Will I be OK in retirement?” Before looking at a client’s assets and expenses to answer that question, we ask corresponding questions such as, “What do you want your retirement to look like?” Each individual’s perspectives on retirement are unique. Some people want to remain in their current house and community. Others wish to downsize and stay in the area close to family and friends. There is yet another group that wants to leave the expensive Northeast states and move south or west. Thus, it’s key to expand on a client’s retirement goals earlier rather than later.
The checklist below illustrates different items to think about as retirement approaches, from 10 years before to right after retirement begins. The earlier one starts planning for retirement, the more prepared one should be not only financially, but also emotionally.
Five to 10 years before targeted retirement:
• Brainstorm retirement goals and dreams of what retirement will look like.
• Think about where you want to live and whether you want to downsize.
• Revisit goals and timeframe annually.
• Obtain annual credit report.
• Pay down mortgages and other debt to strive to become debt-free by retirement age.
• Revisit progress toward achievement of retirement goal, and adjust retirement contributions and/or spending as appropriate.
• Review estate planning needs and update documents, titling and beneficiaries as needed.
• Consider long-term care insurance.
One to five years before targeted retirement:
• Attend pre-retirement workshop and/or consider personal life coach to help prepare for transition.
• Get comprehensive medical, dental and vision exams while still covered by employer insurance plans.
• Consider Social Security claiming strategies.
• Request estimate of pension or retiree medical benefits.
• Get educated about Medicare options.
• Revisit estimated budget for income and expenses anticipated in retirement.
Six to 12 months before targeted retirement:
Income tax planning
• Speak with accountant about expected new income bracket and how to plan for it
• Discuss possible Roth conversion or other tax planning strategies
• Are you eligible for any outside retirement plan contributions?
401(k) Plan
• Plan to max out contributions for current year
• Confirm all funds in 401(k) accounts are vested
• Confirm whether funds are pre-tax only or pre-tax and after-tax
• Coordinate with wealth manager to keep 401(k) funds in plan or roll to an outside IRA
• If rolling to an outside IRA, open new account and obtain account number and custodian address/wire instructions for future deposit
• If retiring between 55 and 59 1Ž2, may want to wait to rollover, due to options to take penalty-free withdrawals from 401(k) in year of retirement or take 72t distributions for at least 5 years.
Pension Benefits
• Obtain all pension benefits available through current employer
• Determine whether or not a lump sum pension option is available and whether it is preferable for you
Other Qualified and Non-Qualified Retirement Benefits
• Obtain information on all additional plans offered by the company and information on vesting, tax, and transfer of these accounts
Social Security Benefits
• Login to, create account and obtain a current benefits statements
• Be sure to complete this step for spouse
• If divorced, contact Social Security directly at (800) 772-1213 and obtain information on taking benefits as ex-spouse
Coordinate Social Security Analyzer tool with benefits statements to determine claiming strategy.
Two to three months before retirement:
• Paid Time-off
• If you have any accumulated sick days, vacation time or other PTO days, determine if/how you will be paid for these days
• Advise Supervisor and HR Representative in writing of desired retirement date
• A specific date may be agreed upon(e.g., first week in January depending on payroll and other items)
• Consider date which you will be eligible for year-end bonus or other benefits, including 401(k) matches, profit sharing, or stock options
• Request Retirement package of paperwork from HR Depending on the size of the company, HR will generally provide its own packet of paperwork and forms that need to be completed
• Determine date for exit interview with HR/supervisor
• Make final decision on all insurance, including medical, dental, vision and life insurance (timing will depend on company policies)
One month before retirement:
• Obtain online/phone the paperwork to roll your 401(k) (or other retirement accounts) out of the plan into an outside account, if that’s the choice you’ve made
• Complete paperwork and contact HR to see if plan administrator signature is required.
• Paperwork will be sent in following retirement date
One week before retirement:
• Confirm that HR retirement package has been completed and all relevant documents are signed
• Clean-up desk/emails, etc.
• Remove any personal/private information from work email and computer
Post Retirement
• 401(k) Rollover Paperwork - Submit following retirement date
There are many decisions to consider as one prepares for retirement, from healthcare considerations to account logistics. Understanding what should be done and when well in advance of your retirement date can be key to reducing stress in the months and weeks before you stop working. Employers will have deadlines on paperwork submission, some of which are your last day of work or thirty days after. Knowing these deadlines and seeking information in advance is essential. Use all available resources, such as your company’s human resources department and your various professional advisors to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
Modera Wealth Management, LLC ("Modera") is an SEC registered investment adviser with offices in Boston, Massachusetts, Atlanta, Georgia, Hernando, Florida, and Westwood, New Jersey. SEC registration does not imply any level of skill or training. Modera and its representatives are in compliance with the current registration and notice filing requirements imposed upon SEC registered investment advisers by those states in which Modera maintains clients. Modera may only transact business in those states in which it is registered/notice filed or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration/notice filing requirements. For additional information about Modera, including its registration status, fees and services and/or a copy of our Form ADV Disclosure Brochure, please contact Modera or refer to the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure Web site ( A full description of the firm's business operations and service offerings is contained in our Disclosure Brochure which appears as Part 2A of Form ADV.
This article is limited to the dissemination of general information regarding Modera's financial planning and investment advisory services to United States residents residing in states where providing such information is not prohibited by applicable law. Such general information is not suitable for everyone. Accordingly, this article should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as a solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect, transactions in securities or as the rendering of personalized investment or financial planning advice for compensation. Nothing contained herein should be interpreted as legal, tax or accounting advice, nor should it be construed as personalized financial planning, investment or other advice. You should contact your tax advisor, accountant and/or attorney before making any decisions with tax, accounting or legal implications. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and there is no guarantee that the issues and opinions expressed herein will come to pass.