

Physicians react to early days of ICD-10

Here are some quotes from physicians after the first few days of the ICD-10 coding transition taken from Medical Economics' ICD-10 Diary project.

Here are some quotes from physicians after the first few days of the ICD-10 coding transition taken from Medical Economics' ICD-10 Diary project.

"Well here we are, 48 hours into ICD-10. The sky hasn’t fallen and the Earth hasn’t opened up. So far, there has been little impact or effect on "my" day-to-day activities."

Thomas A Marsland, MD
Orange Park, Florida





"All is quiet here, our Informatics medical director didn't receive a single 911call … from providers. Granted, we’ve been on ICD 10 for six months which has paid off."


Maria Chandler, MD, MBA
Long Beach, California




"Will this code be specific enough for the payers? I will get to find out in a few weeks. I did open a line of credit for $150,000 for our three-provider practice anticipating a lot of rejections."


Terry Brenneman, MD
Raleigh, North Carolina



"We've been hearing many ICD-10 tales ranging from extreme annoyance to 'It's not so bad; just a nuisance.' Most are resigned that it is here to stay."


Daniel Mark Siegel MD, MS
Brooklyn, New York



"My assistant informed me at the end of the day that none of our [ICD-10] charges went through. I am not sure any other profession working a 10-hour shift isn't expecting to not get paid for their work!"


Mohammad Rafieetary, OD, FAAO
Germantown, Tennessee



"I actually think some of the ICD -10 codes are more appropriate/more descriptive than the ICD- 9 codes were."


Melanie Denton, MD
Charlotte, North Carolina



"… [S]o far, so good. Nothing has crashed and my staff and I seem to be coordinating our outcomes. It will be a bit bumpy for a while and the real test will come when we either get paid or our claims are rejected."


Pamela J. Miller, OD
Highland, California

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