If I were starting a new physician business today, I'd: create an online video program teaching the public all about low back pain; what aggravates a bad back, what activities to avoid, a full-on low-back stretching and exercising program...
If I were starting a new physician business today, I'd:
create an online video program teaching the public all about low back pain; what aggravates a bad back, what activities to avoid, and a full-on low-ba ck stretching and exercising program. I'd also build the accompanying iPhone and Android apps that would keep my end-users engaged and tracking their progress.
The program would have an accompanying subscriber's forum with recorded interviews with back experts - chiropractors, personal trainers, back specialists, shoe specialists, physical therapists, ergonomics experts etc.
My lower back has been hurting for a while!
I'm researching trampolines at present for my daughter and the play yard advice out there is scanty.