
Must Acquire Sales Expertise


Physicians are very uncomfortable with marketing and sales, but if you want to succeed in business as an entrepreneurial physician, you must learn to sell.

I can feel the collective shudder from all you physician entrepreneur wannabes at the mere mention of the word "sales." Personal experience has taught me just how uncomfortable marketing and sales are for physicians, and for most professionals in general. And yet, if you want to succeed in business as an entrepreneurial physician, you must learn to sell!

There, I've said that dirty word.

Rule 8 of Bill Murphy Jr's "The Intelligent Entrepreneur: How 3 Harvard Business School graduates learned the 10 rules of successful entrepreneurship" is Learn to Sell.

In fact, Murphy feels so strongly about this, he writes:

"… I thought about making it the 2nd rule, right after 'Make the Commitment'. As soon as you decide to become an entrepreneur, you become a salesperson. Even before you decided which problem you're going to solve — and thus which business you're going to launch – you've got to sell yourself as someone who can innovate, lead and execute. If you can't or won't do that, sorry, but your venture will simply never get off the ground. So get used to it: sell today, sell tomorrow sell all the damn time. First and last, you're an entrepreneur. But in between you're all about selling."

What does this kind of selling look like?

Read more.

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