
Humor or Horror? Two Healthcare Training Videos Hit the Web


Two videos hit the Web recently to drive their eye-opening messages home: One looks at the dangers of sloppy patient-information handoffs, while the other uses humor to raise awareness about CPR and AED.

Two healthcare training videos hit the Web recently using two very different methods to drive their eye-opening messages home.

Vineet Arora, associate director at the University of Chicago’s Internal Medicine residency, decided to make a video to help interns understand how easy it is to flub a patient-information handoff -- and how dire the consequences can be when errors occur.

Numerous surveys show that more than half of all medical errors are made by residents pulling all-nighters. To combat the problem, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education has proposed shorter hours for doctors in training.

But shorter hours, mean more patient handoffs, and Arora’s video drives home the dangers:

View more videos from Vineet Arora.

Hospital Handoffs for Intern Orientation

And now for something completely different …

The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation held a “You Can Save a Life Video Awareness Contest,” inviting participants to submit videos that raise awareness of CPR and AEDs. The winning video was much more light-hearted approach to training: “911 Emergency ROCKsponse -- Paramedic Rap.” The team of college students who produced the video used humor to raise eyebrows and awareness for proper CPR and AED use, the foundation said.

Take a look and tell us what you think:

You can view more contestant videos and other competition winners at the foundation’s YouTube channel.

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