The FDA has approved the supplemental biologics license application (sBLA) for licensure of its 4-strain influenza vaccine, Fluzone Quadrivalent vaccine (Sanofi Pasteur).
The FDA has approved the supplemental biologics license application (sBLA) for licensure of its 4-strain influenza vaccine, Fluzone Quadrivalent vaccine (Sanofi Pasteur). Fluzone Quadrivalent vaccine is the first and only 4-strain influenza vaccine option for patients as young as six months of age, as well as adolescents and adults.
There is now a way to have broader coverage against more strains of influenza vaccine with the seasonal flu shot, which helps protect patients from influenza and its resulting complications. In order to help protect patients, steps must be taken now to order the vaccine for the upcoming season and to put the necessary formulary and reimbursement processes in place.
Sanofi Pasteur is currently accepting orders for the vaccine; providers can order online or by calling the company’s order center. Only a limited number is being manufactured for the 2013-2014 influenza season due to the timing of its licensure, and doses will be available first-come, first-serve.
A high demand is expected and there are no guarantees doses will remain for order in-season.
There are 2 new CPT codes for the vaccine. CPT 90685 when administered to children 6-35 months of age (0.25-mL dose) and CPT 90686 when administered to patients 3 years and older (0.5-mL dose). Providers must also remember to bill for vaccine administration.