

Examining Meaningful Use Stage 2 Requirements: Part 2

Dave Caldwell, the executive vice president of Certify Data Systems, discusses how physicians and hospitals can begin making changes to meet the new stage 2 meaningful use requirements.

Dave Caldwell, the executive vice president of Certify Data Systems, discusses the new stage 2 meaningful use requirements that were announced at the end of February.

Learn how you can begin to make changes to fulfill these new requirements, and if you haven’t started on stage 1 requirements, then find out how to get started.

Of public and private health information exchanges, the latter is experiencing a growth spurt. According to Caldwell, physicians and hospitals will find that it is easier to continue on to meeting stage 2 requirements if they are participating in a private HIE.

Caldwell also explains what new services Certify offers to help its clients meet the new meaningful use requirements for stage 2.

Listen to part two below:

Go back and listen to part one.

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