
Dan Pink and the Rewarding Physician Workplace


Imagine a workplace where you were encouraged to experience autonomy, mastery and a sense of purpose. Now imagine creating a work environment that offered your employees similar gifts. That's the enchanting vision I discovered in a highly engaging and clever new video by author Dan Pink.

As a Dan Pink devotee (“A Whole New Mind,” “Free Agent Nation,” and his most recent book, “Drive”), I was enchanted to discover this highly engaging, clever video, “RSA Animate — Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.” It presents the key ideas from “Drive” in an ingenious way.

Imagine a physician workplace in which you were encouraged to experience:

  • Autonomy: No insurers second-guessing your medical decisions.
  • Mastery: No need for insurers to second-guess you, as you'd be an expert in your field, well-equipped with time to think, useful guidelines, sound decision-support tools, updated research providing proof of efficacy, and powerfully honed "sixth sense" instincts about what's going on inside your patient. You'd welcome peer feedback and performance review as your rightful learning and growth opportunity!
  • A Sense of Purpose: You'd be feeding your passion for your profession, instead of festering in fear of lawsuits, career-ending errors, and unduly aggressive peer oversight.

Imagine your own medical office in which you created a work environment that offered your employees similar gifts.

Much less likely that you'd be giving up on your hefty, lifelong investment in your career, and heading for the hills -- correct?

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