A conversation with a book writing coach and published authors looking to help aspiring physician authors help get their message out.
I confess that I have long fantasized about writing a book, along with learning to speak Italian and play the piano, or reconnecting with my adolescent guitar-playing self. For now the fantasies have to remain just that. I guess this blog is my creative outlet for the near future!
But for those of you for whom writing a book is a pressing or deeply engaging matter, the news is good. Help is at hand.
My "Insights from the Professionals" conversation today is with Lisa Tener, a book writing coach, published author, blogger and speaker who is passionate about helping aspiring authors get their message out by helping them write a book and get published.
Not only does she have her own company, but she also serves on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School continuing education course of writing and publishing books.
Lisa is a whiz at what she does — she has helped several of my clients figure out how to express themselves and their expertise or ideas through the written word, and we talk about some of her book-writing success strategies, such as:
... how to overcome those blocks to getting started
... how to know if you really have a book in you
... how to get a first draft done is as little as eight weeks
Read more and listen to the conversation.