
A Success Trait for Entrepreneurs


What does it take to succeed in life and business? There is some fascinating research - mainly coming out of the field of education - that sheds some light on the traits of successful individuals.

Despite the earnest commitment I made at the beginning of the year, I have failed so far. Instead of blogging regularly (well, at least once a week!), I've fallen into the "I'm so busy, I can't find the time" trap. This has happened even though I have blocks of time set aside on my calendar for writing.

Time to get back onto that horse and ride again!

So, how should I do this?

I am fascinated by what it takes for children to succeed in life, since I have a kid and want good things for her. In addition, my clients are seeking great results and wondering how they can create invigorating new careers or businesses at later points in their lives.

My quest to understand these challenges has led me to some fascinating research, mainly coming out of the field of education.

One prominent researcher in this area, Angela Duckworth, PhD, writes about Grit — Perseverance and Passion for Long Term Goals in which she tells us that the more "grit" (as defined by her book’s subtitle) we demonstrate, the higher the correlation is with success.

"What if the secret to success is failure?"

How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character

Yet another inspiring education-related story (which references Duckworth and her grit research) comes from writer and speaker Paul Tough. The New York Times ran a story written by Tough some time ago titled The article fired my imagination sufficiently enough that I bought and devoured his book, .

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