

15 humorous holiday ICD-10 codes

The holidays are upon us, so it's time for physicians to brush up on some ICD-10 codes they could see come through the door this festive season.



The holidays are upon us, so it's time for physicians to brush up on some ICD-10 codes they could see come through the door this festive season.

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15. W14 – Fall from tree
Sometimes you need a bigger ladder … or a shorter tree





14. R12 – Heartburn
The bigger the feast, the higher the likelihood Tums are involved.






13. Z72.820 – Sleep deprivation
In parents, it's from late nights prepping presents. In kids, it's likely anticipation of the big day.





12. Y93.23 – Activity, snow, sledding
Speeding down an icy hill on a piece of wood – what could possibly go wrong?




11. W00 – Fall due to ice and snow

Snow: pretty to look at, just make sure you are watching where you walk.




10. V06.00XA – Collision with nonmotor vehicle
Grandma got run over by a reindeer, so it could happen to any of your patients as well.




9. V80.1 – Injury as occupant of animal-drawn vehicle
Should an older man with a beard arrive on say, Dec. 24, and seek medical attention, be very, very nice to him.  It could pay off next year.





8. X08.8 – Burn by candle
As the nights of Hanukkah progress, you're more likely to see this one.




7. Z62.891 – Sibling rivalry
One teddy bear. Two sisters. You could see this one coming, couldn't you?




6. Y93.D – Arts and crafts injury
From hot glue gun burns to glitter-related skin irritation, this one runs the gamut this time of year.





5. Y93.G – Cooking injury
You should see the baker …




4. T75.4 – Electric shock
Desperate times sometimes call for dumb solutions. Be prepared.




3. F43.8 – Emotional stress
'Tis the season…




2. W61.4 – Contact with turkey
Around November, they start getting a bit nervous, so approach with caution.





1. Y92.59 – Injury at shopping mall
For those who love the thrill of the deals on Black Friday or returns after Christmas, you'll see this as a common code to use.


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Ericka Adler: ©Roetzel & Andress