
10 Top New Jobs in Sick Care


The sick-care workforce is changing and every day there are new opportunities to retrain or create new roles.

The sick-care workforce is changing and every day there are new opportunities to retrain or create new roles. The workforce crystal ball looks something like this.

Here are some other jobs on the horizon:

1. Clinical data navigator, responsible for helping patients and their doctors make sense of all the data they are generating and help them avoid these mistakes.

2. Personal cybersecurity advisor, responsible for helping patients do what they can to prevent their health information from being stolen or hacked.

3. Patient innovation portal manager, helping patient entrepreneurs develop their ideas and possibly work with doctors to make them available to other patients.

4. Sick-care social media coordinator, responsible for separating the signal from the noise that the crowds are making. Here's a place to get your degree.

5. Community senior care assistant, based in individual communities to help patients age at home.

6. Chief burnout officer, responsible for reducing the skyrocketing rates of physician burnout, depression, and suicide rate. You will need to lead the effort to PISS on burnout.

7. Chief future officer, responsible for spending 90% of their time on the new, not the now. Here is the job description. Your job is to be the environmental scanner in chief and alert the C suite to impending threats and opportunities. You are a co-author of the organizational vision statement of the future and, in some instances, that will mean trying to kill the cash cow and many managers who are there to protect it.

CAUTION: You will make lots of enemies doing this. Middle management never likes getting the middle finger.

8. Internet of Things (IoT) integrator, making sense of the terabytes of data that are contaminating and hiding important actionable information. This person is also responsible for helping doctors create more a relationship with their new personal assistant, Watson.

9. Chief physician experience officer, responsible for focusing on the physician experience, which is the basis of the patient experience. They also play the role of physician coach for those who are practice parameter outliers.

10. Drug cost czar, responsible for helping doctors and patients find the least expensive drug that satisfies the cost, ease of use, and effectiveness criteria that results from the shared prescribing process.

Don't expect medical or other profession schools to offer this kind of training. It will more likely evolve as on-the-job training, minimoocs, and nanocourses. At least people will have something to do once all those robots force them out of a job.

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