New drug for food allergies; teen alcohol abuse; ‘zombie cells’ – Morning Medical Update
The top news stories in medicine today.
Autism spectrum disorder at the intersection of pediatrics and primary care
Early intervention is crucial, and so is collaboration among physicians to help young patients and their families.
Respectful maternity care; health around the world; phony antiobesity medications – Morning Medical Update
The top news stories in primary care today.
Youth movement against cholesterol; hospital coffee machines as bacteria havens; HHS takes aim at poor maternal health - Morning Medical Update
USPSTF reviews weight loss interventions for children and teens
BMI is a ‘crude measure,’ but it appears youths are not meeting diet and exercise recommendations.
Scaling widespread anxiety screening through primary care integration
Physicians are stretched thin, but resources exist to help them help patients — especially youths — with behavioral health concerns.
Few physicians ask patients about firearm access
Study examines screenings, patient demographics, and primary care as gun violence grows as a public health concern.
How to set up a drive-thru flu shot clinic
The best way to issue flu shots might be for patients to never enter your office.