

Top 6 Definitive Practice Management E-Books of 2016

Your guides to collect more of what your practice is owed, manage patient data more efficiently, staff training resources, and more.

#1 Ensuring Medical Billing Success


 #2 EHR Case Study: Loudoun Pediatric Associates

The challenge

Loudoun Pediatric Associates (LPA) search for a new EHR was part of a larger strategy initiated by Loudoun Medical

Group (LMG).

Before 2012, all LMG practices were using the same EHR. However, the practices were experiencing significant functionality limitations, and the previous EHR couldn’t support Meaningful Use requirements without a costly upgrade and substantial user training.

Although LPA’s pediatric patient base made it ineligible for Meaningful Use financial incentives, the majority of other practices within LMG intended to attest for Meaningful Use.

Considering the low level of customer service they were receiving from the previous EHR vendor – some trouble tickets had remained open for years –

The decision was made to replace the previous EHRs in all of LMG’s practices, including LPA. 



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#3 How to Switch EHRs in Five Easy Steps

Ask potential EHR vendors if you can have a free trial for a few weeks. If they say no, you might ask, why not?

Introduction: Why Switch EHRs?


The chances are good you dislike your EHR. A 2014 survey by Medical Economics found that 67 percent of doctors are “dissatisfied by EHR functionality.”1 The same survey found that nearly 70 percent of physicians say electronic health record (EHR) systems have not been worth it. These are sobering statistics. But it’s also a huge hassle and headache to switch EHRs, right? Not necessarily, if you do it the right way. Most physicians in private medical practice enjoy two significant benefits when they switch EHRs:



• Save money. Many EHRs are unreasonably overpriced, especially for smaller practices. Too much monthly cash flow goes out of the office door and into the pockets of EHR vendors. Switching to a more affordable EHR can save your practice thousands of dollars a year.

• Get an easy-to-use EHR. Most EHRs were designed by administrators, not physicians. They suffer from clunky workflows and interfaces, requiring too many clicks to document even the simplest things. As a result, physicians struggle to finish patient charts during the visit, and spend hours completing charts after the office closes.

This white paper teaches you the right way to switch EHRs – so you can save money and get a product you actually
enjoy using.

Continue to Step 1: Find the Right EHR for You




#4 New options in chronic care management

Numbers reveal the need for CCM, as it eases the burden for patients and providers

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 130 million Americans suffer from a chronic illness. In a 2013 study, the CDC found that one of every three Americans suffers from at least one chronic condition. More than two-thirds (69%) of the Medicare patients in the study suffered from two or more chronic conditions, and a third of all Medicare patients had four or more chronic conditions.

The cost of these illnesses is considerable. The CDC has estimated that about 85% of Federal healthcare dollars are allocated to the treatment of chronic conditions. For just the top seven most prevalent chronic diseases, the estimated cost of treatment is $1.3 trillion.

As the U.S. population ages, the number of chronically ill is anticipated to increase, putting a growing burden on our healthcare system.

Click here to find out how to best code chronic illness






#5 EHR Usability: How to Recognize It and Where to Find It

Why do so many physicians see a permanent drop in productivity when they start using an EHR? The answer: the usability of their EHR.

Every modern profession experienced an unprecedented increase in productivity as it adopted computer technology.

Think of accountants and spreadsheets, architects and computer-aided drafting, lawyers and word processing. There has been just one notable exception: physicians and the Electronic Health Record (EHR).

In a recent survey,1 physicians were asked, “How has the EHR affected the number of patients you can accommodate per
” An astonishing 36.9 percent claimed to see fewer patients.

Only 11.7 percent said they saw more patients, while 51.4 percent saw the same number of patients.

In other words, fewer than 12 out of every 100 physicians are more productive with the use of EHRs, while three times as many (37 out of 100) actually see their productivity go down.

By reading this white paper, you will learn:

• Why EHR usability is the key to physician productivity;
• How to define and measure EHR usability; and
• How to find a usable EHR.

Click here for the entire usablilty guide




#6 Building the Ideal EHR System for Concierge Medicine

Here at Pri-Med, we’ve taken a close look at concierge physicians and their clinical documentation systems. We came to a few
interesting conclusions, which resulted in a “blueprint” for a better approach to EHR systems. By reading this white paper, you
will learn about:

• The unique challenges for concierge physicians using EHR systems;
• How EHR systems fail concierge physicians on two levels:
––the business of running a practice; and,
––the care delivered to patients;
• A new problem-based approach to EHR systems that can enhance professional satisfaction and improve patient care.

Continue to Download the Complete Guide




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