
Tell us what Medical Economics has meant to you


Your thoughts may be featured in our 100th anniversary issue.

Click here to tell us what Medical Economics has meant to you and your career!

Greetings physicians! This year marks the 100th anniversary of Medical Economics.

In 1923, our publication set out to become “The Business Magazine of the Medical Profession.”

“Here Is the Menu,” the first issue said, promising a wealth of practical articles about subjects such as life insurance, physicians’ health, legal obligations of patients, bonds and stocks, and income taxes.

A century later, Medical Economics has the same goal to provide relevant, timely, useful information about those issues and more. We remain committed to our physician readers when we say it’s about “Smarter Business. Better Patient Care.”

We will commemorate our centennial with a special edition scheduled to publish in October. Because a 100th birthday is cause for celebration, we are inviting our readers to join in by sharing what Medical Economics has meant to them over the years.

Do you recall the first time the magazine arrived at your office? Do you have a memory about an article that influenced your business decisions? Your personal finance? That introduced you to a new topic, or shed new light on an old one?

We’re asking for recollections of the past of around 250 words, but a few sentences or even something longer is just fine. Please include your name, city/state and email address so we can reach out if we have a question. We’ve also included an optional image loader so you can share any pictures as well, such as an old issue of the magazine you still have laying around.

So go ahead and use the online form below to tell us your story! Start by filling out the online form at the Survey Monkey Link below.

Just one more request: Make sure it’s typed out. (Because even after a century, we’re still joking about doctor’s handwriting!)

Tell us what Medical Economics has meant to you and your career!