


Pathologist get futuristic tools, smart ring could make doctors more miserable, Voyager probe loses wi-fi connection: Digital Pulse


The latest health care and technology news

Pathologists hit warp speed with new digital tools

Digital pathology has greatly increased the productivity of pathologists in one health system, according to a report. The digital tools can increase productivity 10-fold, and even allow pathology during surgery. However, the system cannot be used to play the new Final Fantasy game, so it’s value may be limited.

Digital pulse: ©Greenbutterfly

Digital pulse: ©Greenbutterfly

Samsung developing a smart ring

Electronics giant Samsung is reportedly developing a smart ring that could go into mass production soon. Doctors are excited about the possibility of having even more meaningless patient data dumped into their portals along with the self-diagnosing doomsday emails from patients that go with them.

Voyager 2 loses communication with Earth

Voyager 2 has lost communication with Earth, but NASA is hopeful to re-establish the connection in October. Rumor has it they need time to reset the wi-fi router on Pluto.

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