


NIMH 75th anniversary; greenhouse gases and health care; 3-D printing brain tissue – Morning Medical Update

The top news stories in medicine today.

Doctor morning desk: © Alena Kryazheva –

© Alena Kryazheva –

Mental health is health

Did you know the National Institute of Mental Health is celebrating its 75th anniversary? Commemoration began in September 2023 and continues with research and speakers this year. Check out this website for more information on programs.

Greenhouse gas emissions

The health care sector produces 8.5% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Workers say they want their employers to take meaningful action to reduce emissions, and buy-in from primary care physicians and other frontline health workers is essential, according to The Commonwealth Fund.

Printing brain tissue

For the first time, researchers have used a 3-D printer to create a network of cells that can grow and function like typical brain tissue. The method “could be a hugely powerful model” that advances understanding of how the brain works and communicates in the ways that it does. This study and an accompanying news release explain.

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