

News: Health care major issue in November elections, survey says

Almost four of five respondents to a survey say that health care will be one of the top three issues that will influence their votes in Novemeber's presidential election.

Nearly four out of five people say health care will be a key issue in the November presidential election, and 46 percent say it'll be one of the top three issues that will influence their vote. Those are just a few of the findings of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions' 2008 Survey of Health Care Consumers, which asked 3,031 adults about their attitudes, behaviors, and unmet needs. While most of those surveyed had health coverage, they were overwhelmingly supportive of the uninsured or underinsured. Two-thirds of respondents favor state-mandated health insurance. In addition, 29 percent of consumers would support a tax increase to help cover the uninsured; another 37 percent say they would consider one.

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