

New Web site is online repository for meaningful use information

The Healthcare Information and Management System Society (HIMSS) has launched Meaningful Use OneSource, an online repository of hundreds of documents, tools, and links to other knowledge available online.

The Healthcare Information and Management System Society (HIMSS) has launched Meaningful Use OneSource, an online repository of hundreds of documents, tools, and links to other knowledge available online.

The not-for-profit organization developed the site to help individuals and organizations prepare for the meaningful use and certification criteria and standards regulations. The site explains:

• how to meet and use meaningful use certification criteria;

• how to receive the Medicare and Medicaid incentive funding and avoid penalties;

• how to implement meaningful use in a healthcare organization; and

• how to access recently released updates on federal and state laws and regulations.

The Web site offers information in three major categories: 1) The Basics: Meaningful Use 101, 2) Qualifying for Meaningful Use and Funding, and 3) Putting Meaningful Use into Practice. Within each area, users can find specific information relevant to their situations and organizations, with resources further delineated on specific topics.

“Almost 400 documents and source links appear on Meaningful Use OneSource, and new information will be added on a regular basis,” said Patricia B. Wise, RN, MS, MA COL (USA retired), vice president of health information systems at HIMSS. “Because HIMSS reviews and vets all research and information before it is posted, users have the assurance they are accessing credible and current knowledge.”

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