


New at home STD test; More pediatric ambulance calls are for mental health emergencies; Burnout support group - Morning Medical Update


The top news stories in primary care today.

doctor morning desk © Alena Kryazheva -

doctor morning desk © Alena Kryazheva -

New at home STD test

The first FDA approved at-home chlamydia and gonorrhea test hit the market this week. The test, called Simple 2, is available for $99 on their website LetsGetChecked. Results are usually available in two to five days. Gonorrhea and chlamydia cases are both on the rise, fueling the need for tests.

More pediatric ambulance calls are for mental health emergencies

Over one in ten pediatric ambulance calls are for mental health emergencies, a new study shows. Out of these, 85% were 12-17-year-olds. The study also found increased odds of the use of restraint in 6-11-year-olds. There are no universal guidelines to manage these young patients. Only four states have guidelines available.

Burnout support group

A Kaiser Permanente burnout support group had positive results, according to a new study. The report analyzed the effectiveness of POST - short for the Peer Outreach Support Team, which is now active in 10 Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals. "We hope that sharing our experience implementing the program and our findings on the study's effectiveness will encourage similar programs to be more widely adopted," Dana Sax, MD, senior author and a Kaiser Permanente Division of Research adjunct investigator said in a news release.

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Lisa Rotenstein: ©UCSF
© Alliance for Aging Research