The top news stories in primary care today.
© Alena Kryazheva -
Almost half of Americans lack vitamin D. In adults, deficiencies may present as bone pain and fatigue. Vitamin D deficiency is more easily spotted in children. Their legs may begin to bow since their bones are unable to hold their weight. According to experts, the best way to get vitamin D is through 10-15 minutes of sunlight exposure in the summer, before 10 a.m. or after 2 p.m. You can also eat foods such as salmon and broccoli.
Legal pot more potent than ever
Decades ago, the THC content of weed was commonly less than 1.5%. Now, products today can contain over 90% THC. The National Institute on Drug Abuse website says, “The risks of physical dependence and addiction increase with exposure to high concentrations of THC, and higher doses of THC are more likely to produce anxiety, agitation, paranoia, and psychosis.”
California debates extending PTSD coverage
First responders in California are pushing for a law that will increase access to PTSD related care. “We wouldn’t think twice about taking care of a first responder who broke their leg, and we shouldn’t think twice about taking care of their mental health needs,” Karen Larsen, CEO of the Steinberg Institute, a nonprofit public policy institute, said in an article. Some oppose this, saying first responders will take advantage of the system. “There is no evidence that workers are being inappropriately denied the care or benefits that they need,” Virginia Drake, a spokesperson for the California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation said in an article. With so much debate, it is unclear if or when any legislation will be passed.