The top news stories in primary care today.
© Alena Kryazheva -
Mental Health Q’s cut from MD licensing applications
As of May, physicians in 21 states are no longer being asked certain questions about their mental health or substance abuse when they apply for their medical license. Among the 21 states are New York, Texas, and Montana. Today, four in 10 physicians say that they do not seek mental health help, fearing their employer or state medical board would find out.
A Lyme disease vaccine is showing promising phase 1 results. According to researchers, the vaccine ‘neutralizes Lyme-causing bacteria in the tick before it can get to the human.’ It has been given the fast track by the Food and Drug Administration and will potentially be approved for use in 2026.
Depression after brain injury may be separate
New research shows that the depression that sets in after a brain injury may be a separate disease. Typical depression symptoms are characterized by the inability to feel pleasure, whereas post-injury depression focuses more on the patient’s frustration. Post-injury depression is also resistant to talk therapy and antidepressants.