

Medical Economics Weekly (Ep. 2) - Test costs on doctor behavior

Doctors may change their behavior if aware of test costs, a search engine for rare diseases, why healthcare cost growth has slowed, more.

In our second episode of Medical Economics Weekly, we talk about how doctors may change their behavior if aware of test costs, a new search engine for rare diseases, why healthcare cost growth has slowed recently, and more. Below are links to articles mentioned in the episode as well as our Tweet of the Week.

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If doctors know how much tests cost, will they order fewer of them?

A new study by Johns Hopkins researchers finds that one way of reducing health costs may be to inform physicians of the cost of tests they order.


FindZebra: A search engine for rare diseases

According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, it takes the average rare disease patient 9 years to get an accurate diagnosis. FindZebra, a search engine dedicated to diagnosing rare diseases, is a resource for physicians for those rare "zebra" cases.


Why has health cost growth slowed so much? It's the economy, stupid

Health cost growth has slowed to its lowest levels since the government began tracking it 50 years ago. New research from the Kaiser Family Foundation sheds some light on the reason.  


Why Physicians (like me) Blog

"The Holy Grail of healthcare marketing is for physicians to actually be present in the digital world and actually participate."


Why EHRs could increase health costs

A group of 6 Republican senators recently released a report that indicates they’re feeling physicians’ pain. The report says that health IT policy could be headed in the wrong direction, in part because EHRs could increase health costs.


Oh, Come On: Pharma Whines About Government Drug Sales Force

A rising complaint among big pharma executives is the Obama administration's "academic detailing" program. Unsurprisingly, the complaint seems to stem from the push for more generics which, in turn, reduces sales of branded drugs.


Tweet of the Week


@ip4pi @medeconomics The state trumps individual rights only when it s leaders are virtuous. For both political parties virtue is scarce.

- Alfred (@ImagesMD) April 29, 2013

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